There's plenty going on in Auckland

We’re still enjoying city life here in Auckland. It’s a fun place to be and there’s always something going on. The University year has just begun, so the students are back in town and the place is positively buzzing. We’ve been busy sorting out the re-fit schedule which has been a bit stressful at times looking for the right people with whom we want to entrust Macushla and after a couple of false starts we’re now feeling a lot more confident about things. We can normally find a nearby sporting event to watch when we’re wanting to clear our minds of boat jobs, be it a high speed catamaran racing tournament just outside the marina or a more sedate game of cricket at the nearby Victoria Park. In addition to the talented musicians we come across in the squares and parks, we’ve also had the Auckland Arts Festival to enjoy. Fabulous! Oh yes, and on Macushla we’ve moved from economy to club class at the navigation station (check out the photos below); without doubt the most comfortable seat on the boat – shame there’s only one… Red Bull Foiling Generation Catamaran Racing:
Cricket Matches at Victoria Park:
Musicians at every turn (almost):
Queen Victoria in Albert Park (where else?), one of the University buildings and the Old Court House:
Arts Festival performers in Aotea Square:
A Cruising Association gathering with Brian & Sandy (sv Moonshadow Star) and Alan & Lynne (sv Jenny) and our Navigation Seat upgrade: