
09:33.42N 79:39.61W We set off from Isla Linton around 11.00 a.m. and, with just the headsail set, made fast progress in brisk NE winds arriving around lunchtime. The anchorage, though wide open to winds from the west, was extremely well protected from the NE Trades and we enjoyed lovely, flat water. Calm restored. After lunch we ventured ashore and our friend Keith (sv Sadiqi) who had been here a while, showed us around the town before we all decamped to Captain Jack’s for a sundowner. We were pleasantly surprised by the town, having heard a couple of less than favourable reports, with its interesting history and architecture and friendly locals. There is an excellent bakery and, joy of joys, the following morning we came upon a truck selling the most wonderful fresh fruit and vegetables. Bliss! On our third and final evening in Portobelo we had an excellent meal out at Captain Jack’s, a great end to our stay. The Anchorage at Portobelo:
Santiago Battery (18th century):
The Custom’s House and Statue of Caribbean Musician Ismael Rivera: The Renaissance style Custom’s House was constructed in 1630 and used as a merchandise warehouse for trade and as a fiscal office for the Governor and his royal officials.
The Church of San Felipe De Portobelo: The church is home to the Black Christ of Portobelo, a wooden statue of Jesus of Nazareth, which is worshipped by followers throughout Latin America.
View of San Felipe De Portobelo from Captain Jack’s Bar & Restaurant: