North Minerva Reef Photos

We spent 5 days anchored in North Minerva Reef, a unique and very special place. Having sailed 250 n.m. closer to New Zealand, we were able to relax and wait for a more accurate weather forecast for the trip south. We were in good company and there was a reconvening of yachts anchored off Pangaimotu, Tonga. So we had a pot luck dinner and a beach party (yes, there was a small but perfectly formed beach across the lagoon at low water) with friends from Oceanna, Saraoni, Escape Velocity, Zara and Karie-L. We decided to wait for a trough to pass over the area before setting off and this arrived bang on forecast bringing strong winds in the mid-20s, gusting 30 knots and rain. This trough heralded excellent sailing conditions for the passage south and the following morning it was time to move on. A Google Earth image of North Minerva Reef and our track heading in:
Hunter gatherer Greg from sv Oceanna:
A very social time was had:
The New Zealand Air Force plane Orion introduces itself:
A very special beach party:
And what a sunset…: |