Isla Culebrita

Mark & Sue Owen
Wed 15 May 2013 12:55
We've had a couple more days of early starts and anchored yesterday in the Ensenada Honda, Culebra. On diving to check that the anchor had set well, Mark was alarmed to see that our anchor chain was caught under the hull of a submerged wreck! We had to position the boat to ensure the chain was dragged well clear before we attempted to weigh anchor. Thankfully it all went to plan and we were soon re-anchored in a nearby spot free from seabed clutter.
We had been told that the neighbouring island of Culebrita was beautiful and well worth a visit. A short hop at first light found us by 8 o'clock in the delightful bay on the North West coast of the island which is a sea turtles' critical habitat area and we have already seen several of these delightful creatures popping their heads up as they swim around the boat.