On Passage to the Galapagos - Day 7

Mark & Sue Owen
Mon 6 Apr 2015 17:47
Miles to go: 260
All is well on board and the hitchhikers are getting bigger - this time in the form of what we think is a booby, which took up residence on our pulpit for a while. An interesting figurehead, but the calling card which it left on our anchor is less appealing.
Last night was the first in a while that we'd not had to drop all the sails and drift. Macushla was able to keep sailing albeit we sometimes had to hand steer when the wind became very light. In fact we are delighted that our fully loaded Macushla is sailing so well in these light airs. The sea state makes for a comfortable ride enabling us to continue with boat chores whilst underway.
The fresh food supplies are now starting to dwindle, but with a certain amount of ingenuity we're still managing to eat well.and the freshly baked bread is always very welcome.