On passage

Mark & Sue Owen
Fri 7 Jun 2013 14:35
All is well on board.
Having worked our way through our list of boat jobs whilst waiting for favourable weather, we finally got the forecast we were wanting. We exited the lagoon on the first bridge opening of the day and anchored in the Simpson Bay ready for a first light departure the next morning.
Skipper gave the hull a quick scrub and we then enjoyed a refreshing swim in water which was decidedly more inviting than that in the lagoon.
We took the opportunity to enjoy one more Happy Hour at the St Maarten Yacht Club with Jack & Marce (sv Escape Velocity) before turning in for the night in readiness for the planned early start. We were delighted that our new engine crane made light work of stowing the new outboard and that the RIB fitted neatly on the foredeck.
For our first day and night at sea we had pleasant sailing conditions, albeit with a sea which was somewhat lumpy at times and we reduced sail to give us a comfortable night. We're now enjoying the flat seas in the lee of Guadeloupe and though the wind shadow caused by the island is slowing our progress slightly, we remain on schedule for a daylight arrival tomorrow in Martinique.