Sassafras River, Chesapeake Bay

39:22.43N 75:58.37W A pre-dawn departure from Cape
Henlopen enabled us to take full advantage of the flood tide up the Delaware Bay
and, with the added luxury of a 20 knot tail wind, we made much better progress
than we’d anticipated. We reached the Chesapeake & Delaware
Canal just as the ebb tide was gathering pace to take us through the canal and
in to Chesapeake Bay. It being a Sunday, commercial traffic was
relatively light which made for a much less stressful transit. We headed down the Bay for as
long as the light permitted and reached the Sassafras River, just as the sun
was setting, where we anchored for the night. We soon realized that the
extensive shoal waters of Chesapeake Bay are going to provide something of a
challenge to us in our deep drafted Macushla, but we are looking forward to exploring
this new cruising ground nonetheless. |