Out and About in Terre de Haut, Les Saintes

We are very much enjoying Les Saintes. In the delightful nearby town of Le Bourg we have the opportunity to sample the French café culture once again and watch the world go by. Now that it is no longer high season the place is not too busy and with its good dinghy dock, Le Bourg is an easy place to re-provision. The snorkelling and swimming in the anchorage are excellent, as the water is very clear and clean. There have been a couple of beach barbecue gatherings of cruisers, including on Sue’s birthday last week, so we’ve been having quite a social time as friends old and new have come and gone whilst we’ve been here. And we mustn’t forget the excellent hiking. Yesterday we climbed Terre de Haut’s tallest peak, Le Chameau from which the views were very impressive. In the heat of the Caribbean it was quite tough, so the evening swim was very welcome indeed. We’re planning to explore more of the island this coming week. Le Bourg:
Hiking on Le Chameau, Terre de Haut: