Waikato Bay, Far North

34:49.87S 173:25.24E We enjoyed our stay at Mangonui very much indeed. Christmas Eve at the pub was great fun with friendly, down-to-earth locals, music from way back and Spin-the-Wheel competition too! After 6 nights it was time to drag ourselves away and fortunately we had benign conditions to move a bit further north and enjoy an anchorage which we’d been recommended. Protected from the ocean swell, with crystal clear (albeit cold) water, it’s a lovely spot. Campers ashore are enjoying the gorgeous white sand beach and we have two sports fishing boats anchored for the night not too far away. Today’s medal goes to the Skipper who has braved the ‘icy’ waters with wetsuit and sailing gloves to give the prop and waterline a scrub. Our shore side supermarket and pub, and views from the waterfront at Mangonui:
Waikato Bay Anchorage: