Heading North Day 11
Mark & Sue Owen
Mon 16 Jul 2012 16:08
All is well on board after another boisterous night of squalls and
thunderstorms. We had our very own son et lumiere show with thunder and
lightning all around us. It's always a tad disconcerting when Skipper starts
to put all of our portable electrical items in the oven to protect them in
the event of a strike...
Between weather systems we had a period of calm yesterday and needed to
motor-sail out of the clutches of the Gulf Stream which was setting us
eastwards at a rate of 4 knots. By mid-afternoon, however, the wind returned
and the sleigh ride began. Thanks to Herb we were able to locate and hitch a
ride with a north-going back eddy of over 2 knots; very gratefully received.
The sunshine has reappeared this morning and we are once again enjoying good
speed (7 knots) under double-reefed mainsail and reefed yankee as we
approach the Cape Cod peninsular.