Great Progress and Looking Good

On Boxing day it was back to work to prepare the hull for the next day’s planned application of Coppercoat. This involved a light sanding of the barrier coat and so respirator masks and boiler suits were the order of the day. Scary eh?:
The following day we were up early, setting out our ‘stall’ or Command Centre for the day’s task of applying 6 coats of Copper Coat. With Mark and 3 guys from Carriacou Marine Ltd lined up for the painting and Sue doing the mixing it was definitely a team effort. The mixed product has a ‘pot life’ of a mere 20 minutes, so we worked non-stop for the next 4 hours. The weather held off and progress was swift and by the end the morning it was a case of job done. Those team beers tasted like nectar! Our Command Centre and Macushla’s gleaming new bottom: