09:30.45N 78:47.64W
It was time to move on and explore further, but with garbage building up on board we first needed to have a bonfire ashore.
Rubbish disposal is a big problem here in the San Blas, so we have to sort everything and burn what we can. Tins, cans, plastics and glass are being kept for recycling, we hope, when we reach mainland Panama. So skipper was able to indulge his fascination with bonfires and once again became a man with a stick poking a fire.
We have now moved along to the western end of the Naguargandup Cays and are anchored off the pristine island of Salardup. A caretaker here operates a small bar and rakes the beach clean each day. Picture postcard stuff.
Fresh supplies are dwindling and are down to: 1 onion, 1/2 garlic bulb, a chunk of root ginger, 1/2 lime (reserved for Gin & Tonics) and a hand of green bananas which even after 7 days steadfastly refuse to ripen. We're having to make do with our ship's stores and whatever the passing Kuna Indians have to trade. Options have been limited, so it looks like we'll have to make do with lobster again today!
Bonfires at East Holandes Cays and Esnasdup:

Anchored off Salardup, including our friendly fisherman Alberto: