Fakarava, Tuamotus, French Polynesia

16:03.56S 145:37.34W We arrived at the North pass (Passe Garue)
in to the atoll of Fakarava in plenty of time for the second slack water of the
day; one hour before low water by our calculation. We were keen to enter
the atoll so that we had adequate time to anchor in daylight, especially as the
deep water anchorage off the village of Rotoava is scratchy in places. At
the entrance to the pass the water was swirling around with the last hour of
the ebb current. It became a bit choppy as we proceeded with 2 knots against
us, but it was not at all uncomfortable and we were welcomed in to the lagoon
by a pod of dolphins. That evening we enjoyed a glorious sunset
in an anchorage with the flattest of water and had the best night’s sleep
in a long, long time.