Port Jefferson, Long Island

40:57.69N 73:04.75W We left Greenport at first light in order to catch the flood
tide through the notorious Plum Gut passage and enjoyed a 3 knot lift on the
way through. It was an overcast and drizzly morning, but the moderate NE
winds allowed us to make good progress. As the skies cleared the wind diminished,
such that we had to dust off our trusty light airs oversized genoa in order to
keep making reasonable progress. Alas, in the end, even this was not enough
to overcome the ebbing tide and we had to motor the last couple of hours in
order to make Port Jefferson in daylight. We found a good anchorage adjacent to the sailing club, just
off the mooring field and the anchor set well in thick mud at the first
attempt. This will be a short pit-stop as we plan to be off at first
light tomorrow. |