On Passage to Samoa - Day 4

Mark & Sue Owen
Sat 19 Sep 2015 22:14
Miles to go: 640
All is well on board and we continue to make steady progress.
Over the last 24 hours we've had larger seas of approximately 2-3 metres and the inevitable return of the galley whomper, necessitating the one-handed approach to dressing. We were introduced to the gloroius term 'galley whomper' by our cruising friends Pete and Kourtney on sv Norna. This is shouted down to the person working in the galley, so that he/she can brace him/herself for the impending lurch of the boat as an extra large wave approaches.
In conditions such as these any sneaky attempt to dress two-handed is swiftly dealt with as you're hurled unceremoniously across the cabin, resulting in a few more bruises to add to your collection!