Santa Cruz Bay, Curacao

12:18.38N 69:08.93W After a very productive 6 weeks anchored in Spanish Waters it was time to be moving on. The end of our stay there finished as it had begun with a trip in a hire car to find propane gas. We considered ourselves very fortunate arriving to find the delivery truck filling the huge storage tanks and an orderly queue was already forming by the payment kiosk which was displaying a soon-to-be-removed ‘Sorry No Gas’ sign. We joined the queue and were done and dusted with all bottles filled an hour later. This left us with the rest of the day to visit the various supermarkets of choice for a big re-provisioning exercise. Following a final trip in to Willemstad to visit first the Customs office then Immigration we were good to go. On our last night we had a lovely dinner ashore at De Kleine Wereld restaurant with friends Elaine and Roy (sv Paw Paw) and said our farewells. We’ve really enjoyed their company and hope to share anchorages again with them in the future. After such a long break from sailing we usually try to have a shakedown sail and so planned a day’s sail to Santa Cruz Bay to the North of Curaçao. This turned out to be an ideal spot with beautiful clean water and left us well positioned for an early morning departure for Aruba.