A daunting task

We decided earlier this year to change to a hard antifouling paint called Coppercoat. This product is a combination of epoxy resin and copper and is designed to be kinder to the environment, very durable and last considerably longer than the self-eroding type of antifouling we have used to date. Having taken delivery of the product in Grenada we were ready to make the trip to Carriacou and let the fun begin.
Boats always seem smaller when at anchor or at sea and appear decidedly larger whenever you’re manoeuvring in a marina or hauled out in a yard. The first step in ‘Project Coppercoat’ is to remove all traces of existing antifouling, so we are faced with scraping off 12 years’ worth from Macushla’s 42ft hull, a truly daunting task. How apt were the words of our French neighbour: ‘Courage, courage’! Work in Progress: However, we are fortunate to have the help of the yard staff here and also the company of Canadian friends Patrick & Lucy (sv Illusions) after a hard day’s graft.