Fakarava South Pass

16:31.24S 145:28.39W We had a short motor
over to the SW part of the atoll and crept in to the anchorage using the
waypoints from the very useful Soggy Paws Compendium, whilst still maintaining
a very keen lookout on the bow. We had to get accustomed to passing over
coral heads which appeared deceptively close to the surface due to the clarity
of the water. Trying to find a
decent anchoring spot was something of a compromise as, although we could
easily find a sandy spot to drop the anchor, it was impossible to find an area
clear of coral heads for the full scope of our chain. However with the
now benign conditions this is not too much of an issue. This anchorage is
the preferred one SW of Passe Tumakohua (South Pass) albeit a longer dinghy
ride to the village of Tetamanu and the pass itself. On our first evening
we enjoyed a fire lit happy hour on a nearby island in the bay with our fellow
cruisers in the anchorage and were looking forward to the drift snorkel of the
pass which we’d heard so much about. The village of
Tetamanu, once the capital of Fakarava, is now mainly a residential dive resort
with gorgeous, rustic huts at the water’s edge. Nonetheless, the
delightful old church remains to this day with its unique mother of pearl