Atlantic Crossing Day 8

Mark & Sue Owen
Sun 29 Jan 2012 13:52
Miles travelled in the last 24 hours: 101
Miles logged since leaving the Canaries: 1108
Miles to go to Barbados: 1,789
All is well on board and the temperature is rising. The woolly hat has been stowed and it's time for tee shirts and shorts.
Although faced with light winds during the day, we were able to make surprisingly good progress on flat seas as we continued to track in a SW direction.
The fishing line was deployed for the first time this passage and after only 20 minutes we were rewarded with a beautiful, golden mahi mahi.which provided a generous and delicious dinner for two.
We were trying to minimise the affect of an area of no wind associated with the approaching low pressure system, hoping to pass to the south of it. Unfortunately this system arrived before we could get sufficiently far south and at approximately 04.30 a.m. we found ourselves becalmed. We decided to sit it out, dropped the sails, and because there was little swell, had a comfortable night.
Cruising teaches you patience and we have decided to make the most of being becalmed by catching up on boat maintenance, cleaning and preparing meals for the next few days.