Isla Contadora, Las Perlas

Mark & Sue Owen
Sun 22 Mar 2015 13:59

08:37.17N 79:02.22W


Our last few days in Panama City were manic indeed, as we jumped on the excellent new metro, busses and taxis to source things for the boat and to re-provision as never before.  On our last day we went to the Abastos Market to stock up on fresh produce and we weren’t disappointed.  With bags full of wonderful fruit and veg we headed back to Macushla and to say ‘Hasta luego’ to cruising friends in the anchorage.


It was time to be moving on and at 0630 on Saturday morning we weighed anchor and set off for Las Islas Perlas (Pearl Islands) and for some tranquillity whilst waiting for suitable winds to head south.


The Iglesia del Carmen and a Sleeping Sloth:




The Abastos Market:





The Pacific Side of the Panama Canal is as busy as the Atlantic Side, but within a few miles traffic is replaced by wildlife: