On Passage to Samoa - Day 5

Mark & Sue Owen
Sun 20 Sep 2015 20:07
Miles to go: 496
All is well on board. Lumpy seas and grey, rainy skies call for easy, comfort food. So it was time to finish off the vegan sausages we'd made before setting off, together with some baked beans.
Having eaten our last tin of English Heinz Beanz, with its unmistakable turquoise green label, many moons ago, we were disproportionately thrilled to find a New Zealand version - identical label but for the name Wattie's - in Fakarava (Tuaomotus). Further supplies were also to be found at Taha'a and Bora Bora, so suffice to say, we're now well stocked on that front.
Yesterday was one of those days when, pondering what to have for lunch for a mere nano second, we both looked at each other and said 'baked beans'. No contest. Very delicious and just the job!
We're pleased to report that the sunshine has returned today and our lightweight warterproofs stowed away for now.