Harbour Island, Muscongus Bay, Maine

Mark & Sue Owen
Sat 4 Aug 2012 23:02
Up at first light and relieved to see no fog, enabling us to catch the last of the ebb down the river as planned.
On exiting The Basin we were priviledged to see an osprey nest with parents and large chicks in residence. Awesome! It was a great start to the day and we had a lovely sedate sail on flat sees, spotting numerous porpoises and several seals throughout the day.
Having navigated our way through the plethora of multi-coloured lobster pots, we anchored off the delightful Harbour Island. Although privately owned, visitors are welcomed so we look forward to exploring ashore tomorrow.
Not long after dropping the hook we spotted two eagles circling above the adjacent treeline and we were very fortunate to see them settle just across from us.
Another memorable day. Maine continues to exceed all our expectations.