Breakwater Harbour, Cape Henlopen

Mark & Sue Owen
Sat 13 Oct 2012 12:27
We were able to enjoy a leisurely, late morning departure from Sandy Hook, as we wanted to be sure of a daylight arrival at Cape Henlopen after an overnight trip down the coast. We managed to resist the bright lights and glitz of Atlantic City which were clearly visible several miles offshore, as the forecast favourable winds had us storming along, even though we had minimum sail up. In fact we were making such good progress that we were in danger of arriving before daylight, so decided to slow Macushla down.
We had only minimal commercial traffic to negotiate in the busy thoroughfare of Delaware Bay and were in VHF contact with the two tugboat skippers who wished to confirm our intended destination to ensure we all passed each other safely.
We are now anchored inside the second breakwater at Cape Henlopen, off the town of Lewes, whilst we await favourable wind and tide to take us up the bay. Time for breakfast and then some sleep.