Tramping around Whangaroa Harbour

Whangaroa harbour is a delightful place. Lots of great anchorages - a mud bottom, protected from all wind directions and excellent walking trails, it certainly ticks all the boxes. After a couple of nights at Whangoroa village, having topped up our fresh supplies a little at the small shop, we made our way down to Rere Bay where we anchored in Lane Cove. We’d read about two hiking trails and first up was that to the rocky outcrop called the Duke’s Nose. We’d seen this on approaching the Whangaroa harbour; it’s one of the landmarks mentioned in our pilot. Our knowledge of New Zealand speak is growing; hiking is known as tramping and we went armed with our water and scroggin (trail mix). The last 50 metres were a tad daunting, being a near vertical rock face which one had to climb with the aid of a sturdy chain. Skipper was sent ahead to get the photos, as Sue chickened out of this challenge initially, but with some coaxing and the promise of a superb view, she pushed her bounderies. She was not to be disappointed.