Kefken to Akcacoka

Minka of Southampton - Cruising Log
Edmund Wigan
Sun 13 Jul 2014 13:27
The cruising guide says that only about 20 boats cruise the Black Sea via the Bosphorus each year. I have yet to see a cruising boat but am only 100nm east of the Bosphorus so there is time yet. There are quite a few small trawlers......

JPEG image this one which came very close just to say hello. The coastline is beautiful with a combination of interesting geology and sandy beaches.

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I sailed along the 10mt contour line and was about half a mile off the beach. On some beaches there are old pill boxes, I wonder if they call them Fez. Beaches like these would be very easy to land on so I suspect they will have been well defended.

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After a hundred miles of very gentle landscapes I am now beginning to see mountains in the distance.

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Akcacoka seems to be a small town which I will explore later.

I am beginning to regret the very short time I have in the Black Sea and may spend my three weeks on the Turkish coast and forget about the other countries until another time.

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The harbour entrance.