Back to the UK - Atlantic Ocean - Day 7

Donald Macdonald
Sat 8 May 2021 20:17
Position 25.49.1N 52.15.7W
One week at sea completed and only 700nm nearer our destination although have done 1001 through the water. For the last 18 hours have freed a bit on a course of 060 and our speed looks good most of the time at about 6 knots SOG. Present forecast has us in very little wind in 24 hours so progress will come to a grinding halt. A cargo ship, Sider Bilbao passed about 4nm from us this afternoon.
This morning went through a rain storm, good for washing boat down, bad for progress as wind dropped to 1-2 knots and Harold cannot cope. Now pure sunshine no clouds around at all.
John's deck shoes the soles are falling off and not sure going to last all the way back. Shoes do not come under my maintenance remit so no doubt he will be in boots before UK unless there is a cobbler in the Azores.
This morning next weeks box of rations extricated from the forecabin and galley restocked as have been the sweets, chocolates and biscuits.
For those who worry about best before dates, the cheese in January 2021. Therefore if you keep it in the fridge will easily last 6 months past that date. Tonight's dinner will be Irish Stew, cheese followed by pear halves in juice.