....... to Las Palmas - Day 6

Donald Macdonald
Thu 5 Nov 2020 16:59
Pos'n  29.43N 15.04W
Yes. I finally see my error 2 Day 3's and day 4 was really 5.
Early late yesterday evening finally got Harold to do some work as the sea swell reduced and wind backed and decreased so full main also. After 40 hours on 1 hour sleeps back to 2 hours does feel less full on. During the morning had a few few squalls go through which meant urgent reefs. One when pitch black went to put reef found a riding turn on the main halyard winch which took a about a minute to get out with main flapping and lots of rain.
Noticed battery capacity low about 4am so needed to run engine for emergency top up for 40 minutes and switch off all non-essential supplies. Up to date had no problem with capacity by the morning.
As day came all still good until 9'ish when wind disappeared, not as forecast so motored for 4 hours. I the last hour wind has come back from 270 which means we are pointing at Las Palmas. Wind expected to back and drop by the morning. With 100 nm to go we could make it in by mid-afternoon if not too much eating and tacking to be done.
Spilt shift dinner last night of beans and chirizo, baguette, cheese and the tinned pears. This evening beef casserole, baguette , cheese then tinned peaches.