ARC - Day 2

Donald Macdonald
Tue 24 Nov 2020 15:01
Position  25.50N  19.35W
All last night 1 hour kips then on watch again. Early part of evening moon out after midnight no moon and clouds very difficult to see the horizon for had steering. As daylight appeared all got a lot easier. Wind varies in both direction and strength over a period of about an hour, 40 degrees and TWS as low as 10 knots then up to 23 knots. We have gybed now onto port to gain distance west and a little north until this evening when the wind should help us out again. Black spinnaker up so no good to see this evening. Chances are will come down if see gets too lumpy.
Spinnaker has a small tear on tape on foot, will repair when taken down. Main starting to mark badly at spreaders.
Hearing lots of reports from other competitors of migrant boats and 2 drifting fishing boats with no one onboard, will require sharp lookout at night.
Dinner this evening beef casserole, baguette, cheddar cheese followed by mandarins.