Hervey Bay

Position 25 17.03S 152 52.45E Travelled to Hervey Bay and booked ourselves into the council run site at Torquay. The council run sites in built up areas, are the only ones that are on the beach. Prime real estate. Hervey Bay is opposite Frazer Island – national park and 4 wheel drive only. There are a couple of places where you can catch a ferry across. The Bay is famous for humpback whales this time of year. The whales come up the Queensland coast to breed and give birth. Went for a walk – nothing unusual there. We no shop – the shopping centres are all the same. Oh for a great deli. Anyway, you can see the way this rock has been folded or flowed. Not sure if volcanic. Very fine grained so could be mud or silt. Paul looking yummy You can see the layers here, which makes me think it was sedimentary. Some sort of succulent in flower. Sometimes you just see the flower heads poking up between the trees. Just like rocky shores everywhere, small snails huddled together in cracks and crevices in an attempt to prevent desiccation. At the slipway – every cove has one! – there was a sea plane being pulled out of the water. Tourist flights, $250 for 30 mins. |