Niue Dingy dock and sculpture park

is no dingy dock as such, just a jetty.
You have to crane your dingy out of the water and leave it on the quay
side. First day in Niue it was
relatively calm but the swell got progressively larger over the couple of days
we spent here. At the end of this
it was a leap of faith to get back into the dingy once you’d launched it from
the crane. Paul and Stephen about to launch dingy.. Hired
another minibus/car for a couple of days and toured the island. Stephen in one of his off road days
decided to take one of the sea tracks.
Niue has signposts all around the island directing you to these
‘tracks’. The one that Stephen
‘chose’ had part of the road washed away towards the end. We scraped the under carriage for about
10m. When we tried to get back up
the road the car got stuck and we had to get out and push. Motto - distract
Stephen when he wants to go off road unless we have a 4 wheel
drive. One of the stones that Stephen aquired ..
A lot of sponsorship by EU has taken place around the island. Found this sculpture park in the middle of nowhere. Sculpture Park.
Boys in their element as they discuss Capricorn car Parks.