
Walked the Lambie Town Walk around Cooma, which during the building of the Snowy River Scheme was one of the busiest towns in the region – not any longer. At the cenotaph was this fantastic memorial (the Ernest Corey Memorial) honouring the soldiers who died during WWI. Ernest Corey was the only soldier ever to win a medal and three bars. He survived the war and died in 1972. Sculptured by Chris Graham. The prison, originally built in the 1870s is still active. Cooma Goal Museum – unfortunately closed. Manned by inmates, so we were warned, had it been open, that it would close on time. Southern Cloud Memorial which commerates the captain, crew and passageners who died when the plane Southern Cross crassed into the mountains in 1931. The wreck was discovered in the 1958 and pieces of the engine were incorporated in this memorial. The plane was gradually blown off course by a westery gale straight into the mountains. The plane did not have radio or radar so the ground could not warn the plane about the gale, so the captain would have thought he was still on course. View over the Monaro Plain from one of the lookouts just outside Cooma. RHS looking back towards Cooma. |