Townsville - Buildings and Reef Aquarium

Old school up for sale Visited the Reef Aquarium – another don’t bother. Not sure why this was suspended near the aquarium buy hey. Inside a big tank with a diver, lots of talks from people who really were not entertainers despite being knowledgeable and not a lot else. However here is a picture of sharks jaw. But best of all you can see the rows of replacement teeth in this picture. More will grow to replace these as they are used. Here’s a sawtooth, well saw. The teeth very really sharp And thin in the horizontal plane. We also drove up to Castle hill lookout, the hill in the background of this picture: Before that another little wander looking for lunch.. I thought for an instant this was going to be a Tahitian cockroach fest but unfortuneately not. Looking across to Townsville yacht club marina. Some nice old buildings in the Strand Somme looking a bit dilapidated. Think this might be the old post office which is now a brewery |