Cooktown - Road trip and a beach
Position 15 28.57S 145 14.73E Decided to go to Cooktown before our trip to Cairns instead of afterwards. Only another 300 km along the road. Here some road shots. No idea what this tree is, I call it the curly whirly one because the trunks and branches all twist around. Anyway the trunks are white and you can see right through the wood. Bit of a lake Some hills and more woodland See what I mean about the woods / savannah - all see through. A viewing point. The trees from this height all look like they have been plantation planted. You can see the fairly regular spacing between the trees in this shot. Handy for all those resources. Ant / termite mounds and a boundary fence. This is Black Mountain, a load of black granite rocks, remnants of a 260 million year old lump of rock formed deep within the earth. The black is due to lichen and other encrusting plants – the rock is light grey in colour. Kapok tree flowering in the foreground. The old Cooktown lighthouse. The paler patches in the water behind are reefs. Mount Cook – the one that Cook climbed to look at the surrounding reefs and sus out his route out of the Endeavour River. Cooktown from the town lookout. Quick walk on a beach. It was very sheltered behind the point but doubt it would be deep enough for us. If the wind changed direction we would also be in trouble. |