Noon Report
Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Tue 15 Nov 2011 12:00
15 November 2011, day six on the passage to the Cape Verde Islands.
Noon report total distance travelled in the last 24 hours is 169 miles, that leaves approximately 163 miles to go. (Trip 724 miles from setting off at 9.00 am on the 10th)
24 hour sailing report
The wind has maintained a speed from 10 to 22 knots. With a maximum blow at about 04.00 hours again of 35 knots. We are still sailing with just the Genoa out as the wind is coming from directly astern of us (behind).
It is far less stressful to only use the Genoa (the sail at the front of the boat) than to have the main out as well, as we could end up jibbing the main sail and possibly damaging either the sail or the boom or mast.
We are still sailing at a steady 6 to 7 knots, and in the right direction. I did however get up to 9.2 knots when the wind was blowing 32 knots.
No rain over the last 24 hours.
One Fishing vessel was seen during the night. It was about 6 miles away with full stern deck lights on.
No wild life other than the odd bird was seen today.
We are sailing in company with two other boats, Moin a German boat about 40 feet long, and Marite 111 also 40 feet and one of our group boats.
Twice a day we have a SSB radio net, so each boat can give its position and weather report.
Moin who set off 24 hours ahead of us on the first day's net call was some 120 miles ahead of us. On today's the 15th November morning net, their reported position puts them now only 45 miles ahead. Marita 111 is now about 25 miles behind us.
Next report Noon on the 16 November 2011
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