Across the border to South Australia

Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Sat 20 Apr 2013 08:20

We have crossed the state border into South Australia and travelled in land slightly to Mount Gambier.  Crossing interstate borders normally means dumping all your fresh produce, sometime eggs and cheese are included.  Here’s the warning sign, the caravan and me.  If you get caught there are heavy fines.  The blotchy red bit on the sign said that fines had increased.  WE stopped and fried up all our mushrooms and tomatoes and had them for breakfast on toast.  Other people had similar ideas and were munching all their apples etc.


And after breakfast I dumped an aubergine, bag of potatoes, two bags of onions, half a bag of carrots, two avocados, some sugar peas…… and I forgot to bin the garlic.



The box only just large enough to hold my fruit and veg!