San Blas: Coco Bandero cays

Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Sat 18 Feb 2012 18:29
2nd February to 7th February.
Fast sail but seas rough down the western Venezuelan and Columbian coast.  Took two days to get out of the large swell.  Had to slow down to about 3 knots for the last evening as we could not make San Blas the previous day.  Looking on the chart it would appear that we could go into Porvenir (entry port) in the dark but we had decided not to risk it.  Just as well as very narrow entrance with reefs either side and we would never have made it.  The other problem is that the charts are all out.  Approximately 200m adrift but never in a constant direction.  Met up with Stephen and Patrick (who joined Stephen in Bonaire) on Karacool, checked in and then sailed 20 miles to Coco Bandero Cays.  Anchored near Ordutarboat island – you should hear Paul pronounce that one.  Ordutarboat Island in the background:
and again.  The waves in the background are crashing on the reef that protects these cays.  If you look closely you can see Archie the anchor buoy.
Not only were there reefs to the side of us but reef behind us:
Karacool anchored off our starboard side.