Oberon - Kanangra Walls
Kanangra Walls Limestone landscape like this is known as karst. Kanangra Walls: View into valleys The old stock routes from Burragorang Valley passed along some of the route. There is a cave – well overhang – along the route and people used to meet up here and have a chin wag. They biuilt a wooden dance floor, long since rotted away, and so the cave is called Dance Floor Cave. Some bushwalkers still camp here, although you are not supposed to light fires. We walked to the top of the Kanangra walls and onto the top of the plateau. Very heathy landscape, short shrubs and plants all densely packed together. Very fine leaves, adapted for heat of summer and cold of winter. You can see here where small holes have been eroded from the limestone, organic matter can collect in these and then plants grow in the soil. |