Mt Taranaki to New Plymouth

Position 39 03.468S 174 03.235E Went to the North Egmont DoC visitor centre in the morning. Lady at the site recommended the Veronica Loop Track. Great track to begin with, apart from the fact all uphill – that’s not too bad now that we have done a bit of exercise – but it was all steps. A killer. We should have thought it odd when we reached the first turnoff in 30 mins. The track deteriorated, had to cross a couple of streams and it was up down, up down and all steps. Damaged my foot on one of the steps and my poor knees will never be the same. But we did it. Never believe those people. View through the trees of beech forest on the first part of the track. The RH picture is actually a vertical drop some 30m where the footpath had given way. They call them wash aways over here. Paul zaps past these spots. More of that hanging moss and lichen and Paul way ahead me on those steps. Trying to breathe… We did a small detour up the Holly Hut track to a lookout. More steps but great views on the way. My excuse for a gasp stop. 180 from lookout – all a bit gloomy. Me and him resting. Thanks Jean, view up the Holly Hut track. Down from the look-out and continuing along the track. Great views of Mt Taranaki, a seriously narrow track along a ridge, and beautiful lichen. Drove off to New Plymouth after the walk, for a long sleep. |