Uluru - Base walk 2
The footpath well away from the rock edge. Sculptured rock between mulga woodland. Oops Double oops Huge blocks of rock have cracked, looks like knuckles. Paul starting to look peeved Me getting peeved Seriously peeved Paul not so peeved Some beautiful long grass Looking away from Uluru. You can see why this makes good agricultural pasture after it rains. Movie hint: don’t walk through the long grass.. Paul touching the rock. Me touching the rock. Paul trying to listen to some aboriginal chanting Off the footpath to take a photo of a plant, honest! Have I mentioned those flies today? Some are really noisy. Paul has become obsessed with ants. I think this might be the mulga ant, it builds levees to prevent their nests becoming flooded during heavy rain. Remember the painting of the ceremonial pole, well here it is fallen on its side. |