Passage To The Galapagos Islands Day 3

Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Sun 4 Mar 2012 17:01
Passage To The Galapagos Islands Day 3
We left the Las Perlas Islands heading for Galapagos at 10.00 am local Panama on the 2 Mach 2012.
Day 3 Distance to go, 608 miles.
Log reading now 13077
Distance through the water was only 104 miles, and distance over the ground was 117 miles. We therefore had the benefit of 13 miles of current with us over these last 24 hours.
Noon to Noon on the 4th March 12
Very little wind throughout the day and night again, so we have made yet again very slow progress towards Galapagos.
We have had both the cruising shoot and Parasailor up and down many times during the last 24 hours.
We started motoring at about 16.00 hours yesterday, and we are keeping the engine RPM down at the 2,200 level to conserve fuel as we still have a long way to go!!!
We passed through a swarm of very small jelly fish yesterday p.m..They were about 1 to 3 inches in diameter. When I checked the engine water filter this morning, some had been sucked up into the filter causing a slight blockage, this was duly cleaned and we are off motoring again.
There has been so much rubbish and oil slicks in the water in the bay off Panama. The ships must just dump all this rubbish and oil before they get to Panama to avoid having to pay to get it taken ashore.
Not much wildlife so far other than sea birds, however some of the birds are using the floating rubbish to sit or stand on, so avoiding getting their feet wet!!!
All the other boats in the group have now set off.
Marita 3 left about three hours before us, 2nd March, and they are now 42 miles behind us.
Karacool left on the 3rd March and they are now 128 miles behind us.
Camelot left 3rd March and they are now 153 miles behind us.
Next report on the 5th..
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