Batesman Bay
After knackering ourselves in Sydney we came back to the coast for a rest. We did nothing, well almost, but sit and read, great. This is bridge at entrance to Batesman Bay – exciting I know. Batesman Bay pier complete with fisherman. Lots of anchored boats. The town also had a marina. One thing you notice here is that although there are a lot of rivers there are very few marina’s. All the rivers have large sand bars at the entrance and it is variable whether you can enter by boat or not. This is a nation of fisher people. These were fishing just down river from the bridge. Here’s Paul and I by the seaside rock pooling at Broulee. This is a seaweed called sausage weed. You can see that it grows outwards in various directions from a central holdfast. These photographs shows the feeding paths of some gastropods that look similar to our winkles and top shells. Calcareous red algae that form solid roundish lumps (bottom picture). Sea anemone and barnacles. As with all exposed rocky shores, organisms selects areas to prevent desiccation. The gastropods and seaweed here occupy cracks and small rock pools. Gastropods lining the cracks in the rocks. And finally, those fishermen again: |