Furs seals at Shag Point
Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Sat 19 Oct 2013 09:39
Shag point is supposed to be a site where you can see fur seals. And we did. These are NZ fur seals chilling out. Generally they feed at night and rest during the day. Paul getting close up and personal to a seal – after telling me I was getting too close. What u want? Look at those whiskers This is bull kelp (Durveillarea Antarctica), and it is massive, the largest of all seaweeds. The frons swirls like a skirt. They can reach 10m in length and are attached to the shore by a rubbery golden holdfast. Lots of salt tolerant plants at the cliff edge, including a shrub – Hebe elliptica. Another interesting cloud formation. |