Fiji - Musket Cove - walk around the island 1.

Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Tue 14 Aug 2012 02:01
Walked the beaches several days and here’s a collect of wildlife we saw.  I include myself in that category.
Crab waste.  You can see where crabs have scrapped the sand up, which they then feed to their mouths extracting micro-organisms and debris.  The sand and shell grains get deposited as small rolls of sand.  It’s not poo as such,since not gone through their digestive systems.
Spot the starfish, how's that for camouflage.
Think this a chitin.  They tend to grow on on top of the other, and presumably don’t wander around.
Bristle star.
Solitary mangrove and a small clump thereof, with a gastropod.