Position 28 51.39N 013 48.87W 2.10.11 Sailed to Lanzarote – Rubicon marina We were going to anchor at Arrecife but when we arrived at harbour it was full of permanent moorings. British boat anchored near entrance told us he had been told ground was foul inside of him. Not surprised must be chain and rope everywhere. We then went to anchorage outside of harbour but that was full and all we could see was bare rock and no sand so we decided to go to Rubicon. We arrived about 1830 and wind had picked up by the time we arrived. 3.10.11 – 7.10.11 Rubicon marina, Lanzarote Really nice marina, lots of shops and restaurants and a very helpful chandler. We bought a cruising guide to Atlantic Islands, which includes Canaries and Cape Verde. Turns out it was 2003 version but I have downloaded the 93 pages of updates! We hired a car for a couple of days. Helen said we would only need car for a day – she was right! However we did manage to find shop selling small light bulbs – our engine display bulbs have started to go. The so called Volvo dealers in Portimao charged us 8E for a single bulb which was in fact the wrong size. Paul managed to get 3 bulbs for 2.80E from a general commercial marine company near the harbour in Arrecife and guess what – they fit and work! Arrecife has IKEA! Both boats now have powder blue seat throws, glass jars for flour – the weevils won’t be able to bore their way through! We also have collapsible boxes, some light blankets and a 1 tog duvet. We passed a huge spoil tip – at least that is what I insisted it was. There is supposed to be the longest lava tunnel in the world on Lanzarote and I insisted it was the spoil from that. Turns out it was a lava field from an eruption 300 years ago. Ooops must revisit my volcanology lectures! Found the vineyards. They grow a single vine in a hollow surrounded by a semi-circle wall of lava gravel to protect them from the wind. We went for a wine tasting at a poor looking vineyard. When Helen said we were on yachts the women said we were capitalists – stunned silence. She then wrote down the name of the boats and we expected to be burgled by the time we returned to the marina. Passed a huge lock-in hotel complex – Club La Santa – get out of that one alive – Jenny did you go to this??? Mark went up mast and replaced tricolour bulb, AIS now working when tricolour on. The vine growing pits. Stops the wind. Me….. And Helen and Mark and me... and No I’m not going for a pee. The spoil.. No idea where this is – it’s a Paul picture. |