Kakadu - Little corellas

Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Sun 30 Jun 2013 08:52

Have been trying to get photographs of these corellas for ages.  Seen them in huge flocks over the Yellow Water billabong.  These are the little corella (Cacatua sanguinea).  They feed in flocks on the ground or congregate in trees to strip the leaves.


Evrytine I usually get close enough to focus my camera off they go.  Make a really harsh air-er-ek noises and can do some really lod scretches.  These are from Northern Terrioritoy so, according to my bord book, has very little pink between the eye and the bill – true.  Got short bill.  The crest was generally close to head.




Except when worried, this guy was just about to fly off.




Like the black cockatoos they have tinted feathers that you can’t see unless in flight – or in fight in this case.  You can just about make ut the yellow under-wing tint here.

