Nelsons Dockyard Marina Antigua

Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Mon 26 Dec 2011 18:50
Merry Christmas to all reading this blog
Christmas is very hot here. It is 10.00 am and we already have 28 C temperature. Yesterday it got up to 31 C
No snow!!
The marina we are in at present is Nelsons Dockyard Marina Antigua. This was the original naval dockyard used by Nelson. Very historic but much smaller than Portsmouth historic dockyard.
See the site  for a picture of the marina 
We are tied up to the shore just about where the blue catamaran is in the first picture.
The marina has a Christmas day BBQ for all of the boats here, big or small.
Here are a few pictures so you can see what we are suffering!!!
Christmas Eve
All the boats in our group went to the Admiral Inn for a Christmas evening meal, 21 crew in total.
Oyster Moon dressed in Christmas lights.
Here are the crew from Oyster Moon, Karacool and  Kahia
Left to right, Rhu (Oyster Moon), Stephen (Karacool), Paul (Kahia), Katherine (Kahia), Paul (Oyster Moon) & Annie (Karacool)
Here are the crew from Camalot, Marita 111 and Moin
Left to right, Gunner (Camalot), Vibecke (Camalot), Woolfgang (Moin), Helen (Marita 111), Catrina (Moin) and Mark (Marita 111).
Here are the young crew from Camalot Julia (13) and son Oscar (12)).
The evening started well with Rum Punches all round.