Oberon - Rockley Rodeo

We stayed at Oberon another couple of days so that could go to Rodeo. We arrived at about 1030 in the morning, I guess we were expecting lots of stands with food and drink and places to sit. It was obviously very local social event. There was one coffee/tea stand that also did bacon butties – lucky as we had not brought any food with us – and an ice cream stand. Fortunately we had two fold up chairs in the car. Luckily, we also had put our jeans and long sleeved shirts on because it was roasting. We both had very red faces by the end of the day despite wearing our hats. At the beginning of the day the red tape you can see in the pictures was taught, after a couple of hours it was busted as everyone tried to get as close to barrier as possible to see through the bars. Events on offer were bare bull back riding from the under 11s, the 11 – 14, 14-18 and adults. The little kids were amazing. Look on the faces of the pen guys as this little chap has a go… Here’s the a sequence of the above rider coming out of the gates and then coming off. The kid on the LH pen is the next rider. You could tell the farmers from the townies by their dress. Even the smallest of kids had the hats, the boots, the shirts and the jeans. One of the under 18’s bull back riding. The bronco riding: Quick shear competition underway. The sheep, little bulls and broncos were all supplied by local farmers. The barrel racing, we were covered in dirt by the end of the day, as you can see one of the barrels was directly in front of us, everytime a horse rounded it we got spray painted. Moved people back from the barrier though – every cloud…. A great sign on our way home. |