Noon Rport 13 November 2011

Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Sun 13 Nov 2011 11:43
13 November 2011, fourth day on passage to the Cape Verde Islands.
Noon report total distance travelled in the last 24 hours is 132 miles, that leaves approximately 432 miles to go. (Trip 412 miles from setting off at 9.00 am on the 10th)
24 hour sailing report
For the first time we have had wind although at first only 6 to 8 knots but it has now built up to 18 to 22 knots. We are now sailing with just the Genoa out as the wind is coming from directly astern of us (behind).
It is far less stressful to only use the Genoa (the sail at the front of the boat) than to have the main out as well, as we could end up jibbing the main sail and possibly damaging either the sail or the boom or mast.
We are now sailing at a steady 6 to 7 knots, and in the right direction.
Just a little excitement during the various watches through the day and night, as we had two boats pass us, one looking as though it was heading for South America, and the other heading North we think.
At last we have seen some wild life.
First we saw what we thought was a lump of rubbish, but as we got closer it turned out to be a turtle on the surface possibly asleep. Unfortunately before we could get the camera out it flapped its fins and dived below the surface, so no pictorial proof of that sighting.
Later in the evening just before dark we had a visit from a pod of dolphins. They numbered about 20 and kept leaping out of the water. Having missed the turtle earlier, my camera was to hand, and I managed to get a good video shot of them leaping out of the water.
Rhu has also seen what she thinks was a fin of a shark, so no swimming from the back of the boat just in case!!
Next report Noon on the 14 November 2011
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