
Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Sun 22 Jan 2012 16:34
[d]2012-01-22 16:15Z
[a]Paul Foskett
Position 13 00.236N 061 14.577W
We are in Beguia at the moment and have just had to replace another end cap on the water maker. Worked fine for a couple of hours then another one of the ends cracked.
Of all the pieces of equipment that people moan about it is the water makers.
It was not a simple replacement because the new end caps have an additional hole in them, and when we bought replacement bits in Antigua the guy forgot to give us the
blanking screw that blocks off the hole. We spent all day yesterday looking for a screw to fit hole – and lady luck shinned on us.
Rhu had to wash out under the cupboards again to get rid of saltwater. Cushions are wet again and out on deck.
We did 2 hour taxi tour of Beguia yesterday. We went to the turtle sanctuary. They had some green back turtles but most were hawksbill turtles. They rest as babies in the
ocean, at the surface and with their two front flippers resting on their outer case. So cute unfortunate that they get eaten!
You can still fish turtle here and I have seen several turtle shell combs – but no turtle meat for sale.
Rhu and Annie had an interesting chat with a lady selling vegetables yesterday. She showed them what could be cooked with what and mixed with rice etc. Trouble is she
cannot remember the names of any of the vegetables. She bought something that looks like a wrinkled avocado that you use in stir fries.
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