Position 17 32.36 S 149 34.4 W Tahiti – 10th May to 19th May. Arrived at midnight in Papeete (capital of Tahiti) and tied up alongside Karacool, who had waited up for us to arrive. Had a few drinks and went to bed about 0230. Checked in the next day – very funny harbour master who warned us about taxi driver fares – show 1000 Pfc and keep the rest of your money out of sight or the fare would increase accordingly. Same warning was given to us by tourist office. Moved to the town yacht quay where moored stern to. Annie came on board to help and cut her hand badly on the pick-up lines to the quay – covered in mussels and barnacles. Took a bus trip to the hospital where were told be quicker to go to a private clinic since the waiting queue was so long. We arrived at private clinic at 1205 and doctors gone for lunch 1200 – 1400. We also went for pizza lunch. Four or five hours later we arrived back at the boat. Roach area was about 500m away and ate there most nights. These consisted of transit type vans converted into mobile kitchens. All had tables and the most uncomfortable stools imaginable. Had BBQ veal and really nice Chinese food. Found out after a couple of nights that you could bring your own wine, as none sold alcohol. Started out with a litre of red and rose and progressed to 3l of red and 1l of rose.
Keith sourcing some flowers for Annie. Hired a minibus – 8 seater - for four days and spent two of those food shopping (in big Carrefour) and refuelling and re-gassing. Drove around the island. Tahiti is dived into two islands, Tahiti nui (big) and Tahiti iti (itty bitty) connected by small isthmus. You can go all around Tahiti nui but not Tahiti iti. Tahiti iti has two roads either side that do not meet up. Down the west coast is world famous surfing beach which we drove then walked to. Let’s say it was not a highlight of the trip. Visited viewing point in the middle of the island before driving along the east coast road which ended in a village and at the very end was a small restaurant where had late lunch/early dinner of superb steak, salad and chips.
View of Tahiti. On Tahiti nui visited Point Venus where Cook observed the transit of Venus across the Sun.
Venus is that away.
Keith set fire to crab hole.
Walked to three waterfalls on nice path compared to the scramble at Bay of Virgins.
Stopped for picnic lunch at blow hole – Trou du Souffleur – where Stephen trashed my fag with water and Keith decided to cool me down with a cupful of fizzy water in the face. Sea had undercut the road (disused now) and at the cliff face small hole through which the air and spray came out of. The air made horrendous noise as funnelled through the hole and if you stood near it all your clothes took to the air. Visited grotto gardens – sheer cliff faces, covered in vegetation with small undercut cave and lake/pond at the bottom. We were followed by wee mewing kitten that had presumably been abandoned or mother dead – either way abandoned. Came across his/her dead brother or sister – the future is not looking good for that cat.
Waterfall at grotto. |